Savings from Air Conditioning


Air conditioning accounts for a substantial portion of energy consumed in any building. For example, in a single accommodation unit on a mine-site around 79% of energy is consumed by the split system A/C with the remainder spread evenly across HWS, fridge, lighting, computer and TV. As such the most direct strategy for reducing energy consumption in any building should be to target the efficiency of the air-conditioning.

With electricity (kWh) and carbon emissions (KgCO2) directly linked, targeting energy reduction will automatically reduce GHG emissions by the same percentage. To achieve this we can use both passive and active systems in an optional three-stage process that will reduce both consumption and emissions with immediate effect. As an example, if applied to mining accommodation the following performance enhancements are reasonably expected:

Step 1: Paint roof and walls with Solacoat

Up to 25-30% reduction

Step 2: Solacoat re-gas the existing A/C with Hydrocarbon refrigerant.

Up to 55% reduction

Step 3: Solacoat + Re-gas + ACDC Hybrid Solar Split System A/C

Up to 85% reduction

Step 3: Solacoat + Re-gas + Off-Grid Solar Split System A/C


Up to 95% reduction

With the likelihood of achieving the Government’s mandated target of 43% GHG reduction by 2030 now almost impossible mining camps can benefit in the following ways:

  • Scale. With each split system generating around 4,500 KgCO2 per annum a campsite of 800 beds will currently consume around 38,590 megawatts of power and emit 21,360 tonnes of carbon between 2024 and 2030.

  • Visibility. Savings of up to 55% from the first two steps alone are immediate from day one. From an ESG perspective it will publicly demonstrate that climate change is already being taken seriously.